SDi Courses & Certification
On behalf of SDiNL, CHE Synnervate organizes various of SDi Certification courses. These courses, all accredited by Dr. Don Beck, are suitable for a wide range of professionals who want to become officially accredited SDi Practitioners. The courses are offered both in-company and via open enrolment training courses.
If you are interested in English SDi training courses please contact Allard de Ranitz, Edwin Holwerda or Jasper Rienstra. Please click here to go directly to the SDi training courses offered in Dutch by CHE Synnervate.
SDi Certification Pathway
The SDi Certification pathway is a goal-orientated and meaningful trajectory, that supports your personal and professional development. The pathway provides a clear framework and a detailed structure to become familiar with the extensive and rich content of SDi step-by-step. The accreditation criteria of the courses are internationally acknowledged and applied worldwide. This ensures a lively community of SDi Practitioners who continuously learn from each other and further develop the SDi practices with each other.
Currently there are 5 Levels of SDi certification. Below, you can read more about the different levels. Please click here for flyers and to obtain more information about the content of the various courses.
SDi Level 1: Explorer
During the SDi-1 course, you will learn the basic theory and fundamentals of the Spiral Dynamics Integral model and are invited to begin looking at reality in a different way. The course gives insight in concepts about Evolutionary Consciousness and is based on the body of thought developed by Prof. Clare W. Graves, Dr. Don E. Beck, Christopher Cowan and Ken Wilber. We will introduce the content and meaning of the value systems (also known as “colors” or vMemes), explain how change dynamics works between value systems and we will place value systems into a integral context by linking them to Wilber’s four quadrants model. A recurring part of the SDi Training is the Spiral Experience: a day during which you will experience at first hand how the Spiral is active and present in yourself. The SDi-1 course gives you an overview of the essential characteristics of SDi, it provides insight into how SDi manifests itself in the world around us and how you can translate SD into daily reality.
SDi Level 2: Practitioner
The SDi-2 courses are aimed to apply SDi in practice within a specific context. The core of these courses is that you, as a participant, will work from an SDi perspective on concrete case studies brought in by yourself and the trainers. During these courses, you will interpret complex problems in order to come to an analysis that will lead to new, appropriate and harmonized intervention strategies. Currently, we are offering the following SDi-2 modules:
SDi-2 Team & Organizational Development (SDi-2 TOO); aimed to apply SDi within a Business and/or organizational context.
SDi-2 Evolutionary Leadership (SDi-2 EL); aimed to apply SDi within a leadership context.
SDi-2 Integral Societal Development (SDi-2 ISO); aimed to apply SDi within a social and/or community related context (neighborhoods, districts, cities, etc.)
SDi Level 3: Senior Practitioner
The SDi-3 Senior Practitioner certification trajectory elaborates on what you learned during the SDi-1 and SDi-2 courses. It’s a trajectory in which you as a participant will be coached and advised on the job by an experienced SDi-4 Master Practitioner. The SDi-3 trajectory is designed in such a way that your skills and competences will be optimally developed in practice. Course participants bring in their own case study as starting point and, after completion, have shown to be able to work independently with SDi in practice and to add value to the global SDi community.
SDi Level 4: Master Practitioner
The more you gain in-depth knowledge about SDi and work with it in practice, you will at one point reach a ‘Master’ status about one of more subjects. This status will be assigned to you for rendered services and achieved results by other SDi Masters and SDi Wizards. One of the implications of a ‘Master’ status is that you will be allowed to coach others on their path towards mastery. Do you want to know more? Please contact us.
SDi Level 5: Spiral Wizard
A ‘Spiral Wizard’ status is not attained easily. It is only for those who have worked with SDi for a very long time, did the most SDi work and really know what they are talking about! A ‘Wizard’ is a ‘Master’ on all levels within the Spiral within different contexts. Your contribution to the SDi community is substantial and meaningful. Moreover, you have a lot of impact on different individuals, organizations, and communities in both a national and an international context. You also realize that Level 5 is not the end of your own developmental path; you rest in the knowledge that you live and work in a world which cannot completely be understood, but in which you can do what you are here for… Do you want to know more? Please contact us.